About Us
The Pennsylvania Historical Association advocates and advances knowledge about the history and culture of Pennsylvania and the mid-Atlantic region, because understanding how the past informs the present helps us shape a better future.
The PHA believes that honesty must be the basis for all historical scholarship. Historians seek truth about the past to provide insight to the present and the future. The PHA condemns any action that undermines this belief. Falsification and deliberate distortion in the teaching of history is an ethical violation of the principles on which the historical profession is based. Although the PHA does not issue official statements to address public events and transgressions of ethical history, the organization’s silence in no way should be construed as support or ambivalence.
PHA achieves its mission by fostering the teaching and study of Pennsylvania history and culture through:
- Publishing Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies,
- Publishing a book series on historical topics of interest in partnership with Temple University Press,
- Hosting an annual conference,
- Connecting and encouraging the networking of scholars.
The PHA holds its annual meeting in a different Pennsylvania location each fall. The annual meetings bring together historians, educators and history buffs to participate in a wide variety of panel discussions, to hear speakers, and to enjoy meeting others interested in Pennsylvania history. We are pleased to have partnerships with other organizations throughout the Commonwealth to promote an interest in Pennsylvania history.