The Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association will take place from 10-12 October 2024 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Our theme, “Identity and Politics in the Mid-Atlantic,” speaks to the individual and group identities that have long played an important role in the region’s political culture. The Program Committee has curated three days of paper, panel, roundtable, and plenary sessions dealing with the broad topics, including queer and disability history, ethnic, race, class, and gender history, religious and political identities. Our opening plenary on Thursday evening features a talk on “Narrating Immigration in Pennsylvania History” by Dr. Katherine Benton-Cohen of Georgetown University. We hope you’ll register to attend!

When you make your conference reservation, please remember to login to our website for your member discount. All presenters are required to be members of the PHA. If you’re not yet a member, add a membership to your checkout cart first to also get the member registration discount. If you prefer, you are welcome to register by mail using the hyperlinked form.

The conference sessions will take place at the Holiday Inn in downtown Johnstown, where you can book your stay. We hope you’ll also consider adding Friday lunch and dinners to your reservation. We are joined by a vibrant group of mealtime plenary speakers. The Friday Lunch Plenary on brings together a range of professionals to talk about “The Laurel Hill Settlement – A Pennsylvania Park’s Untold Story.” Speakers include:

Erin Conlin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Christopher Schaney, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Elaine Adams, Independent Researcher

Kim Peck, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Ben Ford, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Our Banquet and Awards Dinner on Friday evening showcases “Returning to the Homeland: A Lenape Journey,” by Jeremy Johnson, Director of Cultural Education of the Delaware Tribe of Indians and Douglas Miller, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.