Highlights from the 2016 Conference
Seated l-r are Dr. Susan Rimby, DCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn, and WITF producer Heather Woolridge. Relaunch of the Pennsylvania History Series at the 2016 PHA Annual Meeting. From l-r: Dr. Allen Dieterich-Ward, series co-editor; Aaron Javsicas, Temple University Press ; Dr. Beverly Tomek, co-editor; Dr. Roger Simon, author of Philadelphia: A Brief History Graduate student Kendrick Gibbs welcomes PHA members to an open house event at the Shippensburg University Fashion Archives and Museum. Jack Giblin, Chief of Research and Education Services, welcomes PHA members to the US Army Heritage and Education Center Dr. Ed Slavishak announces the 2016 Klein Prize for Best Book in Pennsylvania History is awarded to Jean Soderlund for Lenape Country: Delaware Valley Society Before William Penn published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. Dr. Michael Neiburg of the US Army War College presented the Friday evening plenary. PHA members congratulate Dr. Jean Soderlund, winner of the 2016 Philip S. Klein Prize for Best Book in Pennsylvania History The student research poster session was again a hit with PHA members. l-r, Taylor Mason (Shippensburg University), Molly Ryan (Shippensburg University), and Teanu Reid (CUNY Brooklyn College) PHA Members attend the student research poster session PHA President Michael Birkner ceremonially hands the gavel to President-Elect Allen Dieterich-Ward during the lunch plenary on Saturday.