The Pennsylvania State Archives is excited to announce the return of in-person Archives Without Tears (AWOT) training.

AWOT is a workshop that focuses on practical ways to preserve and make available the historical records in your care. Whether you are a curious individual collecting and caring for family or community materials, a local government employee tasked with records storage, a volunteer at a local historical society, the director of a large institution, or anyone in-between, we invite all to attend. You will receive practical advice and learn basic principles.

The workshop will be held in-person on Monday, March 24 (day 1 of 2) and Tuesday, March 25 (day 2 of 2), at the new State Archives building in Harrisburg . Registration is $40, which includes both days of training, coffee and pastries on both days, and lunch on day one. 

Additional details and registration information can be found at: