Applications are Open for Scholars in Residence
The Pennsylvania State Archives and the Pennsylvania Historical Association invite applications for the 2025 Scholars in Residence Program. The program provides support for up to four weeks of full-time research and study in manuscript and state record collections maintained by the Pennsylvania State Archives.
Residency programs are open to all who are conducting research on Pennsylvania history, including academic scholars, public sector professionals, independent scholars, graduate students, educators, writers, filmmakers, and others. Residencies may be scheduled for up to four weeks at any time during the period June 1, 2025–September 30, 2025; stipends are awarded at the rate of up to $800 per week.
Applicants should conceive of research topics related to Pennsylvania history. Further, they should identify relevant archival collections in the Pennsylvania State Archives (PSA), assess their availability and accessibility, and discuss their research agenda with appropriate PSA staff prior to submitting a proposal.
Because the State Archives and the Pennsylvania Historical Association are interested in making history meaningful and accessible to diverse audiences, research that is likely to result in widespread dissemination through nonspecialized publications, films, exhibitions, or other means is particularly welcome. Research topics that may have an impact on public policy are also most welcomed.
Applications will be evaluated by the following criteria: the significance of the research proposed; the clarity of the proposal; the quality of the work anticipated and the likelihood that the proposed project will be successfully completed; the relevance of the research topic to State Archives programs; the value of State Archives resources to the proposed topic, including the imaginative use of nontraditional sources; and plans for dissemination of the results of the research.
For a full description of the residency program and application materials, as well as information about State Archives research collections, go to the PHMC Web site.
You may also email: or call: (717) 705-5785 or write: Scholars in Residence Program, Pennsylvania State Archives, 1681 N. Sixth Str., Harrisburg, PA 17102-1106.
Successful applicants will be asked to create an essay on their work for potential publication in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, the scholarly journal of the Pennsylvania Historical Association.
Deadline for applications is March 1, 2025. Notification of awards will be made in early April. Please post or pass on to a colleague.
The State Archives and the Historical Association do not discriminate based on sex, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or accommodation to participate in this program should contact the Archives at (717) 705-5785 or the Pennsylvania TDD relay service at (800) 654-5984 to discuss their needs.
The Scholars in Residence Program is made possible by the Pennsylvania State Archives (PHMC Keystone Fund) and financial support from the Pennsylvania Historical Association ( Additional support is provided by the Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation (